telephone counseling
With telephone counseling you can access counseling when you need it. You are not limited to the counselors within a convenient driving distance. This is especially beneficial in more remote areas. With telephone counseling you won’t be seen or potentially seen by others while going to or from sessions. You will not be seen by your counselor. In traditional counseling, communicating with someone face to face office setting may inhibit your ability to speak openly. You can speak with a counselor from any location that is comfortable for you. There is no travel time or travel expense. In traditional counseling, many people travel quite a distance to see a counselor because their is not a suitable counselor in the area. As the world becomes more hectic and people have less time, telephone counseling is being viewed by some as the preferred method to receive counseling. Perhaps small issues can be solved with quick anonymous phone calls thereby avoiding a potentially bigger problem. To make an appointment click below.